5 min read
Lumpy, ropy, sloppy, and viscous texture when making yogurt and kefir at home and how to fix that
Slow fermentation sometimes delivers a lumpy, ropy, sloppy, and viscous texture when making homemade yogurt and homemade kefir. Although...

3 min read
Rennet and other coagulants when make homemade cheese
Coagulants and Rennet: Coagulants can be more than one type and are used to separate the milk into two halves-curds and whey. Naturally,...

2 min read
Sourcing milk when ready to make some homemade cheese (Critical Task)
Sourcing milk is one of the most critical tasks., Unlike yogurt and kefir, cheeses preferably are made with minimally processed milk from...

3 min read
Milk Allergy vs. Lactose Intolerance or how much lactose can a person with lactose intolerance have?
People sometimes confuse lactose intolerance with a milk allergy, but these are completely different things caused by different...

3 min read
Junket (pudding) or Junked custard
Junket is a dairy milk-based dessert made with dairy milk (any dairy milk like goat, sheep and buffalo) and rennet.

1 min read
Why should I make cheese and other dairy products at home
Fermentation is “controlled spoilage” as different techniques speed up or slow down a particular process. Depending on the control, the...

2 min read
How to make homemade frozen yoghurt without an ice-cream maker + 8 top recipes
Frozen yoghurt is great for the summer or winter holidays, especially when combined with poached mulled wine pears, baked apple slices,...

4 min read
Glossary - a short guide for all...
1. Yogurt/Bulgarian yoghurt: Yogurt is a dairy food that has been consumed for millennia across southeastern Europe and western Asia. It...

3 min read
Yogurt and Kefir Starters from NPSelection. Probiotic contents and texture, differences...
Authentic Yogurt and Kefir freeze-dried starters for everyone.