Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Boruga ( Dominican Republic)
Boruga is a drink made out of fermented milk, specific to the Dominican Republic, although some say that it has Caribbean roots. It is a...
1 min read

Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Ymer (Denmark)
Prepared and widely enjoyed in Denmark, ymer is a fermented milk product with a fat content of 3.5%. No one knows when ymer was prepared...
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Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Tykmælk(Denmark) or Filmjölk (Sweden)
Tykmælk is a thick fermented milk, with a fat content of 3.5%, prepared not just in Denmark, but also in Sweden, where it is called...
2 min read

Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Kærnemælk (Denmark)
Kærnemælk is actually the traditional buttermilk prepared in Denmark and other countries in northern Europe. The milk is fermented into a...
1 min read

Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Kiselo mlyako (Bulgarian Yogurt)
If you thought that yogurt is the same thing around the world, you’ll have to think again because the Bulgarians managed to create a...
2 min read

Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Laezh-ribod
Laezh-ribod, as it is known in colloquial Breton, or Lait Ribot, which is a more contemporary form of the name, is actually buttermilk...
1 min read

Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Suzma
Suzma is a drained type of yogurt, which looks more like cream cheese rather than just plain yogurt. In order to make suzma, you need to...
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Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Qurt
If we are used to seeing most dairy products in a soft and rather liquid form, qurt is different. Specific to Central Asia, commonly...
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Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Qatyq
Qatyq or qatiq is a type of fermented milk food specific to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and other Turkic countries. It is also...
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Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Chalap and Kumis
Chalap is more a beverage than a yogurt, but it is still a dairy product, as it is made out of fermented milk. The base of chalap is...
3 min read

Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Chal/Shubat.
Central Asia Chal and Shubat is the same thing, which is a fermented drink made out of milk, camel milk to be more precise. It looks like...
2 min read

Fermented Milk Products from All Over the World. Leben and Kishk
Leben is the traditional yogurt found in the Arabic countries, a fermented milk product that is consumed throughout the day. There are...
4 min read