How to make homemade frozen yoghurt without an ice-cream maker + 8 top recipes
Frozen yoghurt is great for the summer or winter holidays, especially when combined with poached mulled wine pears, baked apple slices,...
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Fermented Milk Products From All Over the World • Mursik (Kenya)
In Kenya, mursik represents a staple food and it is made out of fermented cow’s milk. But, it can also be made out of goat’s milk as...
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Fermented Milk Products From All Over the World • Urubu (Burundi)
Urubu is a traditional fermented milk product in Burundi, obtained through the spontaneous fermentation of fresh, raw cow’s milk. With a...
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Fermented Milk Products From All Over the World • Lacto (Zimbabwe)
In Zimbabwe, lacto is actually fermented milk. Still, it is thicker and creamier than the sour milk prepared in other parts of the world,...
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Fermented Milk Products From All Over the World • Mabisi (Zambia)
Mabisi is a traditional fermented product made out of raw milk, specific to Zambia. The process is straightforward and it is based on the...
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Sourdough Siyez Bread
The adventure of sourdough begins with man's sowing of the first wheat. The dough obtained by grinding the wheat between two stones and...
4 min read

The Skim milk and traditional yogurt
Many people asked why skimmed milk and its variants are not considered authentic for making yogurt. Well, there are two reasons for this...
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Fermented Milk Products From All Over the World • Kımız (Turkic countries)
Kımız is one of the oldest Turkish beverages, which was consumed for the first time, on this territory, by the Huns. What is special...
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Fermented Milk Products From All Over the World • Clabber (United States)
Clabber is the American version of soured milk. It was prepared mainly on farms, which had access to raw milk all the time. Clabber used...
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Fermented Food Guide
Our guest writer Alper ÇİMİK from Anadolu University ( Faculty of Pharmacy) wanted to share his "Fermented Food Guide"
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Fermented Milk Products From All Over the World • Qatiq, Kefir and Yogurt (Turkic countries)
Qatiq is a type of yogurt that originates from Turkey, although it is a bit thicker than regular yogurt. When making qatiq, the milk is...
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Viili – the Finnish (Scandinavian) alternative for yogurt
Viili (Finnish = viili, Swedish = filbunke, Filmjölk) is a type of viscous fermented milk product originally from Scandinavia with a...
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Fermented Milk Products From All Over the World • Amasi (South Africa)
Amasi or maas, as it is called in Afrikaans, is a traditional product made out of fermented milk, which is similar to thick sour milk. In...
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