How to make a simple fresh acid-set cheese at home
What to do when the yogurt and kefir mix separate into two halves. Sometimes your yogurt mix can separate into two halves - curds and...
4 min read

How the freeze-dried kefir and yogurt starter cultures are made?
The freeze-drying process was developed as a commercial technique that enabled heat sensitive products to be made stable and viable...
3 min read

Kefir starter vs. Kefir grains - Pros and Cons
Watch the video on YouTube https://youtu.be/vAhO7JXJ864 Milk kefir is a fermented dairy drink made by the fermentation of dairy milk,...
4 min read

How to modulate the taste of homemade yogurt and milk kefir
The yogurt and milk kefir are diary drinks/food made through milk fermentation and triggered by the lactobacterial cultures only- for...
2 min read

Yogurt and Kefir Starters from NPSelection. Probiotic contents and texture, differences...
Authentic Yogurt and Kefir freeze-dried starters for everyone.
3 min read